34th VA State Convention Closing song Feb 17, 2024
Virginia Square and Round Dance Association
Friendship Set to Music - Turning Strangers into Friends
Welcome to the Virginia Square and Round Dance Association (VASARDA) website. The primary purpose of our organization is:
To preserve and advance in perpetuity the cultural aspect of square, round, contra and other forms of dancing
To encourage the study and increase the knowledge of these types of dancing
To improve human relationships through increased participation in these types of dancing
To provide a means of greater cooperation among individual dancers, dance clubs and groups, and other like organizations within the Virginia area.
The main purpose of this website is to promote and provide information on our Annual State Convention. The theme for our 2025 State Convention is “Let the Good Times Roll”. Just click on the tab listed State Convention for additional information such as date, place, and lodging.
In addition to providing information on the State Convention, our website includes information on various Clubs in the Virginia area as well as other valuable information. Enjoy your trip as you cruise through the various headings and see what we have to offer.
These videos were first shown at the Annual Virginia Convention. Come to the next Convention to see these dancers in action for yourself.
Check out these Wonderful Square Dance Video's. Please Share them and promote Square Dancing in your area.